Thursday, March 12, 2009


1. What attracted you to this piece?
I really liked how this design looks stressful and busy. I think the way the words "decisions" are in bold and have text within them add to the design and focus on the stressful emotion. I also think the figure adds to the emotion by the way she is posed her arms also lead your eye up to the words at the top of the design.

2. Cite the source of your scan:
I found this design in a Print magazine in the Parkland library.


  1. you're right this image does have a lot of emotion and does give off that stressed feeling because of the person and the type at the top. good find

  2. Cool find, maybe because I feel like that at times. I cannot wait till Spring Break. I need a vacation.

  3. A good example of the latest masking excercise.
